Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Olivia's Birth Day

It started out as a normal Sunday morning.  I got up and began to review the Sunday School lesson I was going to teach the teens and was enjoying the peace and quiet of the morning.  I had a mild contraction while reading and felt some pressure, but nothing unusual.  I felt excited thinking about the possibility that today could be the day, although I didn’t really think it was.  I was just getting excited thinking that any day now our precious baby girl could make her presence known.
36 weeks pregnant - 1 week before Olivia was born

I could tell my body was preparing for her birth as I noticed some signs.  I began to panic thinking about giving birth and felt very fearful.  Isaac comforted me and held me giving me reassurance that all is well and he was here with me whenever the time came.  I continued getting some very mild contractions one right after the other.  I got the chills and had a lot of self doubt.  Isaac encouraged me to take a hot shower then to lay down on my left side to see if they would go away or come stronger.  I listened.  I still wasn’t ready mentally and needed to rest.

Since the girls woke up late and I wasn’t ready for church, Isaac put a movie on for the girls to watch on the computer in our room.  He then left to go practice for the special quartet number of which I was supposed to be a part of and to teach the Teen Sunday School class.  About two hours later I got up and seemingly felt back to “normal.”  My contractions had ceased and I no longer felt anxious.  I then decided to go to church.  I called Isaac to let him know that I was getting myself and the girls ready to be picked up.  We were all ready within a half hour (amazing, I know!) and on our way to church.  Isaac took a separate vehicle because he needed to leave early to go to work that afternoon.  Since it was Superbowl Sunday, he had scheduled himself a closing shift to allow his other employees the time to watch some football and to ultimately avoid anyone potentially calling in.

The girls and I walked into church late (Ugh!  One of my least favorite things to do!) and found a seat in the back.  I took Kaylee to the nursery and had Neva sit next to me.  Since I felt fine I decided to play the piano for the choir special and then sing with the quartet before the preaching.  The song the quartet sang, “O Church Arise”, really encouraged me and helped me remember that God was with me and I could be strong through labor...whenever that was to happen.  The words have nothing to do with childbirth, but it was what I needed at that moment and gave me the mental strength to continue and be ready for this baby to take her first breath.  Physically, I felt tired, but overall fine and didn’t think much of it at the time.  During the message I experienced a really strong and long contraction. I squeezed Isaac’s hand to help me breath through it.  Once church ended I mingled for a minute then got the girls into the car to go home.  As we were unlocking the front door another strong contraction gripped me causing me to stop and hold the door as I waited it out.  They were about 40 minutes apart.  I got lunch heated up for us and had one more contraction about 30 minutes later.  I wasn’t sure if this was prelabor or just some strong Braxton Hicks.  I called my midwife to give her a heads up and to hear her thoughts.  I told her I’d let her know if anything changed.

Donna with Olivia (7 weeks old)
The girls begged me to let them watch the same movie they had watched earlier that morning, and being so amiable I agreed.  I rested again while the movie played and didn’t have any more contractions at the time.  Isaac came home for lunch around 4 pm and I had a couple more contractions that were inconsistent, but caught my attention.  I didn’t feel that “this was it” so I told Isaac he should go back to work and I’d call if anything changed.  I called Donna, a friend from church, who I had asked to watch the girls while I was in labor.  I told her that I was having a few contractions and wasn’t going to be coming to the evening service.  I also mentioned that I didn’t think that I was in labor yet, but I would let her know if they started coming consistently.  This was a few minutes before  5 pm.

I started to think, if this did turn into active labor, I “needed” to have our master bathroom cleaned. So I began doing everyone's favorite chore.  I had one strong contraction and stopped cleaning to breath through it.  I then had another strong contraction a couple minutes later.  I heard a “pop” then felt a gush.  My water broke!  I was so shocked!  I went to sit down on the toilet and yelled for Neva to bring my phone.  I called Donna first, knowing I would need her help with the girls.  I told her, “I think my water broke.  Either that or I wet myself.”  I was still in shock of my water breaking because it hadn’t with either of the other girls until I was already at the pushing stage.  I then called LaMonica, my midwife, to let her know that my water had broken.  She told me she was on her way.  Last, but certainly not least, was my call to Isaac.  He answered the phone and I said, “My water broke.”  His response was classic and I wish I had recorded it!  “Are you serious?  What does this mean? Did you call LaMonica?  I’ll be right there!”  I could tell he was so excited and didn’t want to miss anything.  :)

I had a few mild contractions while on the phone, but nothing I couldn’t talk through.  I called my parents too just to give them a heads up.  I thought my labor was just beginning.  Isaac arrived about 5:20 pm and started getting the girls set up in another room to watch a movie.  While he was doing that an intense contraction came and I felt the head crowning.  I was in utter disbelief!  I screamed for Isaac and told him to call Donna (who is also a retired nurse).  I knew the midwife would not make it in time even though she was en route.  However, Donna could be here in just a few minutes to help Isaac.  He let Donna know that the baby was crowning and to come as quickly as possible.  She arrived about 10 minutes later around 5:40 pm.

My midwife checking Olivia's vitals.
I had enough clarity of mind to grab a chuck pad and put it on the bed before getting on all fours preparing for another contraction.  This position was the only way I felt comfortable and I wasn’t about to change it.  I was already zoning and tuning in to my body and what I needed to do to deliver this baby.  It felt good to “roar” through each contraction which is what I did for the next few until Donna arrived.  I could feel Olivia crowning then sucking back in at the end of each contraction.  Isaac asked about the birthing tub and whether he should fill it, but I knew that this baby was coming NOW!  However, I told him to go ahead and start filling it.  He was doing an awesome job at keeping the girls occupied, getting the other birth supplies ready, and calling LaMonica to keep her updated.  I was so thankful he was there to help!

I was pretty much ignoring everyone by this time outwardly, although inwardly I was hearing and responding.   Donna stood beside me rubbing my back reminding me to breathe through each contraction.  I had stopped roaring and pushing during each contraction, yet my body continued to push involuntarily.   It took all my concentration to just breath and focus on letting my body do the work.  LaMonica was on speaker phone during this time to guide us through the rest of the birthing process.  The next thing I know I heard Donna say, “The head is out.”  My first thought was, “What?  I didn’t do anything.  I wasn’t pushing.”  I had felt the head slip out, but couldn’t believe it.  I knew that only one more push was needed to get the body out and when that last contraction came I pushed and whoosh out came baby girl.  Whoa!  

I stayed on all fours for another minute just gathering myself and trying to grasp what had just happened.  I could hear Donna clearing the baby’s nostrils and rubbing her and then I heard my baby girl cry out.  Ahh, relief that I knew she was breathing.  I finally was ready to turn around and hold my baby doll for the first time.  Isaac and Donna helped me get set up on the other side of the bed and Donna handed me my new baby.  LaMonica continued to talk to them for a minute asking how I was doing and how baby girl was.  She arrived a few minutes later in time to help me deliver the placenta.  Baby was still attached via the umbilical cord at this point so we then clamped the cord and I held her for a good while longer enjoying that newborn smell and birth high. This is one thing I love about home birth - procedures are not rushed such as clamping the cord or weighing and measuring baby. I was able to nurse my little girl and just have that time to bond and take in all that had just transpired.  It was wonderful!  I love home birth and my midwife!  

It was a whirlwind of a birth!  From the time my water broke shortly after 5 pm to Olivia being born at 6 pm was just shy of an hour.  This was not my expected labor time or how I had envisioned everything happening.  I didn’t even get to use the tub to labor in!  Oy!  Isaac had already started filling it, and so rather than it go to waste, we turned the heater on in the tub and I ended up taking a nice warm herbal bath in it the following day.  I also didn’t get my birth pics I had wanted.  I didn’t even bother calling my friend who was going to take them because I didn’t figure she would even make it in time anyway...I was right.  Even with things not happening quite as I imagined they would, it was a beautiful birth and I knew right away that Joy had to be one of the names of my little girl.  It honestly was a joyful birth and really peaceful even in the “rush” of it all.  I trusted my body and knew I was in a safe place.  I felt confident that all was well and knew that Donna was there to help Isaac and the midwife was on her way.  I praise God that He had His hand of protection over all of us and worked things out in His perfect timing.  Sunday wasn’t exactly the “best” day for me to go into labor in light of both church pianists missing evening church, but that pales in comparison to a safe delivery of a healthy baby.  Olivia was born right on time for church at 6 pm on the dot.  :)  Thatta girl!  Lol!

I am overjoyed to have three precious girls!  Each birth has been completely different and unique in its own way just like my girls.  I can’t wait to see little miss Olivia’s personality and I wonder if it will at all match her hasty appearance into this world.  :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cuddle Time with My Snuggle Bug

I love cuddle time with my little munchkins!  Neva has grown to be a cuddler and Kaylee has always loved to curl up and rest in my arms.  This afternoon was no different.  Daddy had cuddle time with Neva and I with Kaylee.  She was not content in her crib, but settled right down with Mommy's arms around her.  I do cherish these moments.  They pass away too quickly!

Monday, April 16, 2012

My Experiment

Well, I have grown brave in my old age.  Okay, I'm not that old, but it seems I have broken the barrier of having to have an exact recipe to follow as I continue this journey called life.  I was craving chocolate and smoothie and needed to fill that desire.  So I look online at a friend's blog where she posted what looked like a yummy cinnamon smoothie and then I combined that recipe with another ice cream recipe I found online.  Then I just guessed how much cocoa powder to add.  I know.  Brave, huh!  For me, that is super brave.  My honey, is always telling me to experiment and try things.  Well, now that I am learning more about kitchen-y stuff I am getting better...and braver...at it.  Yay!  This is very yummy so beware.  Haha!  :)

Chocolate Cinnamon Smoothie

2 frozen bananas
1 avocado
1/2-1 c nondairy milk (I used unsweetened vanilla almond milk)
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp pure maple syrup
1 tsp (heaping) cocoa powder

Blend all ingredients in blender.

Neva and I enjoyed this delicious treat this afternoon.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Monkey kisses

Cuddling with my toddler today made me think about how much I love getting monkey kisses.  These are no ordinary kisses.  Oh, no.  They are given with love and are soft and fuzzy.  They are followed by an even better kiss...from my little girl who giggles as she looks adoringly into my eyes.  I will most definitely miss these precious moments when she no longer finds enjoyment in having her monkey give her mommy kisses.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Frazzled Mom

Lately, I have felt like a frazzled mom.  You know the kind that have rings under their eyes, hair is a mess, clothes don't match, house is filled with clothes and toys everywhere, and you have a crying baby in one arm, and a toddler hanging onto your legs begging for something.  Okay, it's not been that bad, but my hormones apparently are still trying to level out.  It's frustrating when you know all is well, but you still feel like bursting into tears over...nothing really. So ridiculous!

I do love being a mom!  Even if that means the dishes don't always get washed right away, I'm not able to get a full night's sleep because one of my little ones needs me, I have spit up on my shirt, or I can't cook a 5 course meal.  I am a perfectionist and like things organized and orderly.  It drives me nuts when things seem chaotic.  You know what I've discovered.  Life needs to be flexible.  Kaylee sometimes wants to eat at the most inopportune moment  or Neva decides to have a boundary-pushing session when I am tired and ready for a nap.  That's life and God did not mean for me to worry about things I can't control or to get frustrated over the little things.  I need to trust Him for my strength, not myself.  I definitely can't do it alone!  A good reminder verse to me is Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."  So glad I don't have to live life on my own.  I am also thankful for a supporting and loving husband who just keeps on loving me.  :)

I read this little story earlier this morning and it's quite fitting:  "When a frazzled mother sent her little boy to bed, she heard him grumbling to himself, 'Every time she gets tired, it's me that has to take a nap.'" :D

My baby carrier (BabyHawk Mei Tai) is wonderful! Makes carrying a baby around sooo much easier, and grocery shopping and such a little less frazzling.  :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The "Middle Wife"

This story was passed on to me and I couldn't keep it to myself.  Made me laugh out loud for sure!  Wonder what stories Neva will share when she gets a little older.  :)

The 'Middle Wife' by an Anonymous 2nd grade teacher
I've been teaching now for about fifteen years. I have two kids myself, but
the best birth story I know is the one I saw in my own second grade
classroom a few years back.

When I was a kid, I loved show-and-tell. So I always have a few sessions
with my students. It helps them get over shyness and usually, show-and-tell
is pretty tame. Kids bring in pet turtles, model airplanes, pictures of fish
they catch, stuff like that. And I never, ever place any boundaries or
limitations on them. If they want to lug it in to school and talk about it,
they're welcome.

Well, one day this little girl, Erica, a very bright, very outgoing kid
takes her turn and waddles up to the front of the class with a pillow
stuffed under her sweater.

She holds up a snapshot of an infant. 'This is Luke, my baby brother, and I
m going to tell you about his birthday.'

'First, Mom and Dad made him as a symbol of their love, and then Dad put a
seed in my Mom's stomach, and Luke grew in there. He ate for nine months
through an umbrella cord.'

She's standing there with her hands on the pillow, and I'm trying not to
laugh and wishing I had my camcorder with me. The kids are watching her in

'Then, about two Saturdays ago, my Mom starts going, 'Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh!' Erica
puts a hand behind her back and groans. 'She walked around the house for,
like an hour, 'Oh, oh, oh!' (Now this kid is doing a hysterical duck walk
and groaning.)

'My Dad called the middle wife. She delivers babies, but she doesn't have a
sign on the car like the Domino's man. They got my Mom to lie down in bed
like this.' (Then Erica lies down with her back against the wall.)

'And then, pop! My Mom had this bag of water she kept in there in case he
got thirsty, and it just blew up and spilled all over the bed, like
psshhheew!' (This kid has her legs spread with her little hands miming water
flowing away. It was too much!)

'Then the middle wife starts saying 'push, push,' and 'breathe, breathe.
They started counting, but never even got past ten. Then, all of a sudden,
out comes my brother. He was covered in yucky stuff that they all said it
was from Mom's play-center, so there must be a lot of toys inside there.
When he got out, the middle wife spanked him for crawling up in there in the
first place.'

Then Erica stood up, took a big theatrical bow and returned to her seat.

I'm sure I applauded the loudest. Ever since then, when it's Show-and-tell
day, I bring my camcorder, just in case another 'Middle Wife' comes along.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Duck Park

We had a fun little family outing to a park.  I had forgotten to grab some bread before we left the house, but thankfully had some other snacks to feed the ducks.  Neva did a great job throwing the food out for the ducks to gobble up.  There were even two ducklings that were swimming around in the pond asking for food.

After we finished feeding the ducks we walked around a bit and Daddy and Neva had a great time running up and down the hill.  We allowed her to run a little bit by herself, then she would stop and ask Daddy to "Come. Come."  It was so cute to hear her little voice to say come and then reach out to grab Daddy's hand.  Every time she asks one of us to "come" she looks up so adoringly and invites us to have fun with her.  :)  I love seeing my little girl playing with her daddy!

Daddy and Neva taken at the duck park about 2 months ago.